Runestones on Signet
While we wait for the halving... you can have some fun on Signet etching and minting Runes!
Updating Bitcoin Core and Ord Client to Signet
First step: Update your Bitcoin Core Config File.
In Bitcoin Core, click Settings -> Options -> Open Configuration File
Update the Config file to the code below.
Save and exit out and reopen Bitcoin Core.
Bitcoin Core will now sync with the Signet Network.
Once Bitcoin Core is done syncing:
Go to your Command Prompt. Be sure your command path is pointing to ord.exe.
Type ./ord --signet --index-runes index update
Add --cookie-file <path> if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.
Add --data-dir <path>
if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive.
Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> --signet --index-runes index update
Now you will need to run the server. Leave this window open:
./ord --signet server
Add --cookie-file <path> if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.
Add --data-dir <path>
if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive.
Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> --signet --index-runes server
Open a new Developer PowerShell for VS window.
cd to the folder your ord.exe is located in.
./ord --signet wallet create
Add --cookie-file <path> if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.
Add --data-dir <path>
if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive.
Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> --signet wallet create
Make note of your mnemoic seed phrase. DO NOT SHARE THIS WITH ANYONE.
Now run:
./ord --signet wallet receive
Add --cookie-file <path> if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.
Add --data-dir <path>
if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive.
Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> --signet wallet receive
This will create a wallet address.
Getting Signet Faucet BTC
Now, you will need to get some signet faucet funds. Here are a list of Bitcoin faucets for signet:
You can join the Babylon Discord and receive signet tokens in their #faucet-signet-btc channel:
Other faucets:
Copy the wallet address you created in the command line. Paste it into one of the faucets to receive BTC (signet).
Now you will need to wait for the transaction to be confirmed before it becomes available. You can run either ./ord --signet wallet transactions
and look to see if there are any confirmations on the transaction OR ./ord --signet wallet balance
Add --cookie-file <path> if needed.
Add --data-dir <path>
if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive.
Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> --signet wallet balance
Once it confirms, you should see a "cardinal" balance.
Etching Rune
Now you will prepare your batch.yaml file. Below is an example of a batch.yaml file you could use to etch your rune:
Here is the command for etching a rune:
./ord --signet wallet batch --batch <path-to-yaml> --fee-rate 1
Add --cookie-file <path> if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.
Add --data-dir <path>
if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive.
Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> --signet wallet receive
Leave it open as it matures. Usually 6 blocks will have to be confirmed after submitting for the rune to mature. You can check the tx status here:
Once it is done maturing, you will get a confirmation on your command prompt:
Once the transaction clears, you should be able to find the Rune on:
Minting Runes on Signet
./ord --signet wallet mint --fee-rate <fee-rate> --rune <RUNENAME>
Add --cookie-file <path> if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.
Add --data-dir <path>
if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive.
Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> --signet wallet mint --fee-rate <fee-rate> --rune <RUNENAME>
Sending Minted Runes to a Destination Wallet
If you want to send some of your Runes to another wallet, use the below command:
./ord --signet wallet send --fee-rate <fee-rate> <destination-address> <Qty>:<RUNENAME>
Add --cookie-file <path> if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.
Add --data-dir <path>
if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive.
Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> --signet wallet send --fee-rate <fee-rate> <destination-address> <Qty>:<RUNENAME>
Be sure to update the values with < > with your parameters (see example below)
Add --cookie-file <path> if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.
Last updated