Runestones on Main-net
Open Bitcoin Core
Go to your Command Prompt. Be sure your command path is pointing to ord.exe.
Type ./ord index update
Add --cookie-file <path> if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.
Add --data-dir <path>
if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive.
Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> index update
Now run the ord server. Leave this window open and running (listening):
./ord server
Add --cookie-file <path>
if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.
Add --data-dir <path>
if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive.
Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> server
Open a new Developer PowerShell for VS window.
cd to the folder your ord.exe is located in.
./ord wallet create
Add --cookie-file <path>
if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.
Add --data-dir <path>
if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive.
Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> wallet create
Make note of your mnemoic seed phrase. DO NOT SHARE THIS WITH ANYONE.
Now run:
./ord wallet receive
Add --cookie-file <path> if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.
Add --data-dir <path>
if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive.
Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> wallet receive
This will create a wallet address. You can send spendable BTC to this wallet.
Etching Rune
Now you will prepare your batch.yaml file. Below is an example of a batch.yaml file you could use to etch your rune:
Here is the command for etching a rune:
./ord wallet batch --batch <path-to-yaml> --fee-rate 1
Add --cookie-file <path>
if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.
Add --data-dir <path>
if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive.
Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> wallet receive
Leave it open as it matures. Usually 6 blocks will have to be confirmed after submitting for the rune to mature. You can check the tx status here:
Once it is done maturing, you will get a confirmation on your command prompt:
Once the reveal transaction confirms, you should be able to find the Rune on:
Minting Runes
./ord wallet mint --fee-rate <fee-rate> --rune <RUNENAME>
Add --cookie-file <path>
if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.
Add --data-dir <path>
if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive.
Add --destination <wallet-address>
if you would like to send your mint to another address.
Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> wallet mint --fee-rate <fee-rate> --rune <RUNENAME>
Sending Minted Runes to a Destination Wallet
If you want to send some of your Runes to another wallet, use the below command:
./ord wallet send --fee-rate <fee-rate> <destination-address> <Qty>:<RUNENAME>
Add --cookie-file <path>
if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.
Add --data-dir <path>
if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive.
Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> wallet send --fee-rate <fee-rate> <destination-address> <Qty>:<RUNENAME>
Be sure to update the values with < > with your parameters (see example below)
Last updated