🀍Runestones on Main-net

Open Bitcoin Core

Go to your Command Prompt. Be sure your command path is pointing to ord.exe.

Type ./ord index update

Add --cookie-file <path> if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.

Add --data-dir <path> if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive. Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> index update

Now run the ord server. Leave this window open and running (listening):

./ord server

Add --cookie-file <path> if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.

Add --data-dir <path> if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive. Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> server

Open a new Developer PowerShell for VS window.

cd to the folder your ord.exe is located in.


./ord wallet create

Add --cookie-file <path> if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.

Add --data-dir <path> if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive. Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> wallet create

Make note of your mnemoic seed phrase. DO NOT SHARE THIS WITH ANYONE.

Now run:

./ord wallet receive

Add --cookie-file <path> if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.

Add --data-dir <path> if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive.

Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> wallet receive

This will create a wallet address. You can send spendable BTC to this wallet.

Etching Rune

Now you will prepare your batch.yaml file. Below is an example of a batch.yaml file you could use to etch your rune:

# example batch file

# inscription modes:
# - `same-sat`: inscribe on the same sat
# - `satpoints`: inscribe on the first sat of specified satpoint's output
# - `separate-outputs`: inscribe on separate postage-sized outputs
# - `shared-output`: inscribe on a single output separated by postage
mode: separate-outputs

# rune to etch (optional)
  # rune name (minimum 13 characters, max 26 characters, A-Z and β€’, 
  # β€’ is not counted as a character, name cannot lead or end with β€’)
  rune: THEβ€’BESTβ€’RUNE
  # allow subdividing super-unit into `10^divisibility` sub-units
  divisibility: 2
  # premine
  premine: 1000.00
  # total supply, must be equal to `premine + (terms.cap * terms.amount)`
  supply: 10000.00 #formula see note above
  # currency symbol
  symbol: $
  # mint terms (optional)
    # amount per mint
    amount: 100.00
    # maximum number of mints
    cap: 90
    # mint start and end absolute block height (optional)
      start: 840000
      end: 850000
    # mint start and end block height relative to etching height (optional)
      start: 1000
      end: 9000
  # future runes protocol changes may be opt-in. this may be for a variety of
  # reasons, including that they make light client validation harder, or simply
  # because they are too degenerate.
  # setting `turbo` to `true` opts in to these future protocol changes,
  # whatever they may be.
  turbo: true

# inscriptions to inscribe
# use file OR delegate (required)
  # path to inscription content
- file: mango.avif
  # inscription to delegate content to (optional)
  delegate: 6ac5cacb768794f4fd7a78bf00f2074891fce68bd65c4ff36e77177237aacacai0
  # destination (this is for inscription destination, not premine destination, optional)
  destination: bc1qw508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvary0c5xw7kv8f3t4
  # inscription metadata (optional, does not show up on ordinals.com)
    title: Delicious Mangos
    description: >
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam semper,
      ligula ornare laoreet tincidunt, odio nisi euismod tortor, vel blandit
      metus est et odio. Nullam venenatis, urna et molestie vestibulum, orci
      mi efficitur risus, eu malesuada diam lorem sed velit. Nam fermentum
      dolor et luctus euismod.

Here is the command for etching a rune:

./ord wallet batch --batch <path-to-yaml> --fee-rate 1

Add --cookie-file <path> if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.

Add --data-dir <path> if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive.

Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> wallet receive

Leave it open as it matures. Usually 6 blocks will have to be confirmed after submitting for the rune to mature. You can check the tx status here: https://mempool.space/

Once it is done maturing, you will get a confirmation on your command prompt:

Once the reveal transaction confirms, you should be able to find the Rune on: https://ordinals.com/runes

Minting Runes

./ord wallet mint --fee-rate <fee-rate> --rune <RUNENAME>

Add --cookie-file <path> if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.

Add --data-dir <path> if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive.

Add --destination <wallet-address> if you would like to send your mint to another address.

Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> wallet mint --fee-rate <fee-rate> --rune <RUNENAME>

Sending Minted Runes to a Destination Wallet

If you want to send some of your Runes to another wallet, use the below command:

./ord wallet send --fee-rate <fee-rate> <destination-address> <Qty>:<RUNENAME>

Add --cookie-file <path> if required. This will be required if you are saving your Bitcoin data to an external drive. See How to Find .cookie file.

Add --data-dir <path> if you want the ord data directory index to be saved to an external folder and not locally on your C drive.

Example:./ord --cookie-file <path> --data-dir <path> wallet send --fee-rate <fee-rate> <destination-address> <Qty>:<RUNENAME>

Be sure to update the values with < > with your parameters (see example below)


Last updated